Recovery Inspirer Newsletter
This monthly update, along with weekly updates on PVNC's Facebook page, will share progress, challenges and opportunities as PVNC evolve.

October 1, 2019
The first news letter! This news letter gives the reader the chance to learn a little more about:
Consumer movements
Why NC, and why now?
PVNC Coalitions
What's next for PVNC?

November 1, 2019
In this edition:
National Consumer TA Centers
The Origins of the Peer Role
Has Peer Support Become Co-Opted?
Peer Support: Reclaiming Lived Experience
PVNC Coalition Updates
Peer Wellness Center Pilot
Recovery Alternatives to Forced Tx
Peer Justice Initiative
Peer Support Standards
Let's Talk About Suicide
What's Next for PVNC?

November/December 2010
In this edition:
Mental Health Recovery: What is it?
Recovery-Based Supports
8 Dimensions of Wellness
WHO: Rights-Based Mental Health
Peer Specialists are NOT Clinicians
PVNC Coalition Updates
Peer Wellness Center Pilot
Recovery Alternatives to Forced Tx
Peer Justice Initiative
Peer Support Standards
Let's Talk About Suicide
Peer Support and Housing First
What's Next for PVNC?

December 2019
In this edition:
Mental Health Recovery: Vermont Study
Recovery Model
Peer Support and Recovery
Peer Specialists: What is Our Role?
It's Peer Support, Not Peer Pressure
PVNC Coalition Updates
Peer Policy and Legislative Coalition
Recovery Alternatives to Forced Tx
Peer Justice Initiative
Peer Support Standards
I'm In: Community Inclusion
LGBTQ+ Recovery
Peer Support and Housing First
What's Next for PVNC?